[CSS] Fundamentals
Class and ID Selectors
/* Class selector */
.related-author {
font-size: 18px;
/* ID selector */
#copyright {
font-size: 16px;
Class : use for gving multiple elemnts the same name
ID : for only used once
실제로는 ID는 사용하지 않음
Class를 사용함으로써 미래를 대비할 수 있음
- 기본적으로 RGB 모델을 사용 (0 ~ 255)
- RGB / RGBA notation
rgb(0, 255, 255)
rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.3)
- Hexadecimal notation
(0 to ff)#0ff
- Shades of GREY
- When colors in all 3 channels are the same, we get a grey color
rgb(0, 0, 0)
rgb(69, 69, 69)
rgb(255, 255, 255)
Pseudo-classes / Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-class : 특정 상태의 요소를 선택하는 selector
- first-child, hover 등
article p:first-child {}
- Pseudo-element : markup에 새로운 HTML을 추가한 것처럼 동작
- first-line, before, after
article p::first-line {}
Conflicts between selectors
- Highest priority to Lowest priority
- Declarations marked `!important`
- Inline style (style attribute in HTML)
- ID (#) selector
- Class (.) or pseudo-class (:) selector
- Element selector (p, div, li, etc.)
- Universal selector (\*)
- Parent element의 proprties가 child element에도 적용
- 주로 text와 관련된 prop만 상속
CSS box model
- Content, Border, Padding, Margin, Fill area
- Final element width = left border + legt padding + width + right padding + right border
- Final element hight = top border + top padding + height + bottom padding + bottom border
Type of boxes
- Block-level elements
- formatted visually as blocks
- 100% of parent element’s width
- stacked vertically
- applies as showed earlier
- css:
display : inline
- Inline elements
- necessary for its content
- no line-breaks
- height, width do not apply
- padding, margin are applied only hotizontally
- Inline-Block boxes
- 외부는 inline, 내부는 block처럼 적용
- css:
display: inline-block
Absolute positioning
- out of flow
- element들이 overlap 될 수 있음
- relatively positioned container에서 top, bottom, left, right offset 적용
- css:
position: absolute
- container가 relative인 상태에서 elemet에 absolute 적용해서 offset 적용
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